Suspended (Unrooted)

3 Dec 2011: Tonight Natasha Davis and I performed at the gallery alongside her first major installation, Suspended (Unrooted). It’s a companion piece to her solo show Suspended, and consists of two video screens and a panel on a field of blue silk, behind locks of her hair tied to the ends of 100+ pieces of string.

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The videos are films Natasha & I edited: a film of the opening sequence of Suspended where Natasha’s hair is rigged to the lights and cut down by members of the audience, and a film of red meat coming through a grinder mixed with her homemade photograph jewellery hanging from green trees. In the separate panel are documents from Natasha’s past: her various passports, court documents granting citizenship, licenses, visas and photographs.

Accompanying the installation is a soundscape I created – made of the sounds of items dropped into jars, rumbling industrial patterns and the sound of the meat grinder handle at various speeds.

Natasha is a wonderful artist, and I’m very lucky!

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