Bear Hunting in Portsmouth
20 June 09: Bear Hunt tour in Portsmouth, our second venue. Audiences were good, nothing sold out. One child yelled out “I told you there were bearprints!” in a perfect place of silence, all we could do not to corpse... Stayed at the Amberly B&B, with the host Bob, who was about 60 years old, had bushy eyebrows and spoke entirely in capital letters: “HERE’S YOUR BREAKFAST. WHAT? YOU SAID YOU DIDN’T WANT BEANS? WELL, EAT AROUND THEM… YES, I HAVE WIFI, BUT IT’S FOR ME. MOST PEOPLE WHO STAY HERE HAVE THOSE STICKS, YOU SEE… DECAF COFFEE? DECAF COFFEE? (frozen look on face) YOU’RE JUST HAVING ORDINARY COFFEE.” Went to the harbour with Rich the understudy ASM, Gaz the Son, Pete the SM & Duncon the Dad (Vicky the Girl had to work back in London). Saw the most expensive ferry in the world: the hoverboat to the Isle of Wight, and watched a tugboat pull a warship out to sea, with another tugboat facing the other direction behind it, going backwards. To keep the ship in line? To be easily towed back? I wonder why…